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How to Start a Laundromat Business in 6 Steps

The laundromat industry has been around for decades — and for good reason. These days, it is an efficient and eco-friendly business that's more in demand than ever. Our guide will show you how to get into the laundromat industry.

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Starting a Laundromat Business

    Laundromat FAQs

    As you conduct your research and plan your strategy, you might have a few questions. Here are the answers to some of the most common ones:


    What Are the Ongoing Expenses for a Laundromat?

    Most laundromats' ongoing costs can be broken down into a few basic categories: rent, utilities (primarily water and electricity), insurance, cleaning and machine maintenance. If a laundromat chooses to hire employees, their wages will constitute an ongoing expense as well.


    How Does a Laundromat Make Money?

    When people want to use a laundromat's washers and/or dryers, they must pay per load of laundry, usually with coins, cards or both. Some laundromats also sell various washing products, snacks and drinks.


    How Much Profit Can a Laundromat Make?

    The exact amount of profit a laundromat makes depends on its location, customer base, special amenities and other factors. But generally speaking, most laundromats have an average return on investment (ROI) of 20 to 35 percent.In terms of revenue, a coin-operated laundry facility can generate anywhere from $15,000 to $300,000 per year. The percentage of that revenue that's classified as profit depends on each laundromat's overhead and operating expenses.


    Change the Laundry Game

    From start to finish (and from wash to spin), we've got your back.